Saturday, April 23, 2011

Karina Bliss - What the Librarian Did

Is Rachel Robinson the only one on campus who doesn't know who Devin Freedman is?
No big deal except that the bad-boy rock star gets a kick out of Rachel's refusal to worship at his feet. And that seems to have provoked his undivided attention.
Devin, the guy who gave new meaning to the phrase 'sex, drugs and rock 'n roll'.
Devin, the guy who somehow becomes wedged between her and the past she's kept hidden for years.
It's up to this librarian to find out first-hand just how 'bad' he really is. Because her secret - and her growing feelings for a man who claims he's bent on redemption - depend on his turning out to be as good as he seems.
Which is really, really good.

Comment: This is the first book I read by this author.
There has been a time since I've read my last Harlequin book and I decided to give it up because where I am it's easier to get them as translations. However, the Harlequin counterpart here cuts text off, the books are always much smaller then the originals and I know this because I compared one once. So, after knowing this, I gave up on them. Plus, they were getting more expensive every year and to be honest, to spend more money for less text it's a no-go for me, which meant I stopped buying them. I even sold some of my less favourites to a used bookstore.

Anyway, I decided to read this one after reading some comments on another site and the plot immediatly caught my eye.
The two amin characters are easy to like, they both had hard obstacles in their lifes and had to learn a few lessons while growing up, but they still have homour and they smile and lead lives that make others somewhat happy because they are in the world. It was good to se that.
I think the main plot was difficult to read about, because the way it's written it's easy to put oneself in the main female character's shoes and it wouldn't be easy at all to live and feel what she's been through.
The romance part was ok, I liked it a lot, they weren't serious about each other at first, about what would happen, but in the end I was convinced they were in love. I liked this one a lot.

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